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Jack Lang, Ambassador of Arab Art

Jack Lang, Ambassador of Arab Art -- Standing International Magazine

May 2023 By Jérôme Lamy, In Paris

President of the Arab World Institute (IMA), Jack Lang is a great promoter of the international influence of the Arab culture and its language.

We will not offend Jack Lang's humility by saying that he was right about everything. But it can be said that he was often right before others, notably in the learning of the Arabic language, of which Jack Lang was always an ambassador when he was Minister of Education. Jack Lang has also left a true legacy to France: the unique price of books, the Fête de la musique, the realization of the Grand Louvre, the Arche de la Défense, the Bastille Opera or the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Few politicians can say as much...


As the Head of the Arab World Institute since January 25, 2013, this visionary bestowed this cultural hub with a second youth and unprecedented international influence thanks to extraordinary exhibitions such as L'épopée du canal de Suez, Gardens of the East, Once Upon a Time there was the Orient Express and Divas. 


A meeting with a friend to culture, the Arab world and the United Arab Emirates.


Quel bilan tirez-vous de votre action depuis votre intronisation à la tête de l’Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) en 2013 Mr Jack Lang?


Is it up to me to draw up an assessment? I am not my own historiographer. That's for others to do, especially you journalists. It is not my style to play the big man and congratulate myself. It should nevertheless be pointed out that our ambition was to give the IMA intellectual influence, an international presence and an openness to young people.

Les expositions phares organisées autour de la presse, des citoyens et des différents pays arabes ont eu un retentissement fort. À commencer par notre dernière exposition « Juifs d’Orient » absolument inédite et sans précédent sur l’histoire plurimillénaire des Juifs en Orient. Enfin, il ne faut pas oublier le travail que nous accomplissions pour la valorisation de la langue arabe. 


What are your challenges for this third term?


Je voulais absolument que les trois grandes religions monothéistes présentes dans les pays arabes puissent bénéficier d’un éclairage. Après l’exposition « Hajj, le pèlerinage à La Mecque »   en 2014 et « Chrétiens d’Orient, 2000 ans d’histoire » en 2017, nous avons poursuivi notre trilogie avec cette exposition exceptionnelle dédiée à l’histoire des communautés juives d’Orient.

We have taken up this challenge. And since we are in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of Algeria's independence, a series of elements will highlight the history and present of money through symposia, debates and a major exhibition "Raymond Depardon and Kamel Daoud. His eye in my hand. Algeria 1961-2019". Finally, a great collector from Dubai, Mr. Farjam, will present at the IMA some of the greatest masterpieces of ancient and contemporary Islamic art.


Can we say that the IMA is the most beautiful museum of Arab art in Europe?


Beauty is relative but the IMA is without contest the most important Arab art museum in Europe. We have, thanks to the work of my predecessors, our own work and very significant donations, the largest collection of contemporary Arab art in the world.


Is Arab art recognized for its true value?


It has been through a period of mistrust and ignorance. Today, everywhere in the world, there is recognition of Arab art in all its forms. It’s never enough, but it’s on the right track.


There is a real cultural effervescence in the United Arab Emirates in general and in Abu Dhabiin particular…


It’s impressive! The history of the United Arab Emirates is really exciting. Sheikh Zayed, who was an extraordinary man, was convinced that he had to base the roots of his country on education, research and culture. He is the one who proposed the Louvre Abu Dhabi project to France. It was not the French who came up with the idea. It must be admitted that the curators at the Louvre were not all entirely won over by this initiative at first. In the end though they realized it was an amazing venture. Everyone lent their talent to it. Today, it is an important achievement on a worldwide basis. Sorbonne Abou Dhabi is also a real success…


It is public knowledge that you played a major role in the realization of the Louvre Abu Dhabi project…


I am not the inventor of the idea, but I played a role, modest though it was. At one point, in France, there was a kind of rebellion of conservatives and journalists against this project. I then wrote in newspapers such as Le Monde or Libération to say how vital it was for the Louvre Abu Dhabi to happen.


The World Expo 2020 has even placed Dubai at the centre of the world…


What a tremendous and incredible achievement! I visited it rather swiftly unfortunately in the company of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron. Dubai 2020 will go down in history as the first world’s fair in the Arab world. 


You have also worked hard with the United Arab Emirates to launch the international alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict zones...

En effet, j’ai beaucoup travaillé aux Emirats arabes unis avec Mohamed Al Mubarak qui est aujourd’hui Président du département de la culture et du tourisme d’Abu Dhabi. C’est un homme extrêmement brillant. La conférence de lancement avait été organisé à Abu Dhabi alors que la levée de fonds a eu lieu à Paris. Nous avons collaboré main dans la main pendant un an et demi. Aujourd’hui, ALIPH est installée à Genève et remplit parfaitement son objectif de sauvegarde du patrimoine.


Through your position, you are identified today as a great promoter of learning the Arabic language…


I have been fighting this battle for a long time. Not only since I became President of the IMA. I am an activist for multilingualism. France is not committed enough to multilingualism. The strength of a country and its youth is to have access to diverse cultures. There is nothing better than a language to penetrate the spirit and soul of a people. When I was Minister of Education, I fought so that a foreign language, including Arabic, could be taught from a very young age.

A l’IMA, nous avons créé une maison de la langue arabe et le CIMA (Certification Internationale de la Maitrise de la Langue Arabe), un système unique au monde de certification internationale de la maitrise de la langue arabe par une autorité scientifique incontestable. La langue arabe est la cinquième langue pratiquée dans le monde. Or il n’y avait pas de système d’évaluation des niveaux de compétence. Cela ne facilitait pas son apprentissage. 


You have often regretted that the Arabic language is associated with Islam…


It pre-existed in itself. It is the language of all people, including Jews, in the Arab world. It is a language that came before Islam but it is the language of the Koran. All the better that for such a beautiful language to lend its strength and beauty to this great spiritual text. I am fighting for Arabic language and culture to be well-loved in France and around the world.


What is the origin of your passion for Arab culture?


I’m primarily a universalist. I’m also for Japan and Latin America. The attraction to the Arab world goes back to my high school years, to a sense of civic responsibility. It was the time of colonial conflicts. I was overcome with sympathy for those who wanted to conquer their freedom: the Algerians, the Moroccans, the Tunisians. I made connections with artists and creators. Those connections have stood the test of time.




Jack Lang Avez-vous des regrets?


It is difficult to answer this question but I regret that I have not been able to complete all my projects.